Setting up an access door/gate
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  2. Access Control
  3. Setting up an access door/gate

Access Control suppliers

Automatic door or turnstile supplier information

Our approved suppliers know exactly how ClubRight operates, them the perfect contacts for discussing your needs, and if they fit your budget. They will take you through the whole process from quotation to installation, and long term support.

Book your Access Control Survey

To ensure we provide the right advice for your Access control needs use this link to book a call

The purpose of this call is to scope out and advise how the ClubRight integration operates.


Omega Security Systems
Contact 1: Simon White
Tel: 01274 736526 / Mobile: 07786172971S

Contact 2: James Littlefair
Tel: 01274 736526


Phoenix Fire and Security

Contact: Paul Haughey (Managing Director)


Absolute Protection Group

Contact: David McKeown

Tel: 07823774725


All Right Now
Contact: Sales


GuyJane is no longer trading, below is the contact info for previous colleagues.

Henry Tawari


Tel. 07969 909047

LAM Automation Ltd


Tel: 07799 473432