Retention reports

At Risk Reports and member retentions

How to see members who have not been at the club over a certain period.

During hard times it can be tough to focus on the positive things, and this is what Paul Bedford’s video about running a fitness club during the COVID-19 outbreak covers so very well.

When we first saw the video for ourselves, it really made us think about how important it was to identify the members that could be at risk of leaving with, or without, the current situation world finds itself in today.

Paul helps identify those that are most at risk of leaving, which prompted some helpful tweaks we have brought to ClubRight in the last couple of days, making it easier than ever to pin point those at risk, and open lines of communication with them, to send positive and persuasive messages.

You can watch the full video here!

The retention tips covered in this video highlighted the changes that needed to be made to our retention reports, empowering ClubRight users to make contact with the right target audience quicker and more easily than ever.

So what have we done?

We've updated the Red Alert Report to show how many attendances have taken place in that period. Typically, red alert members have attended less than 4 times in the last month


We've created a Amber Report to look at Members who haven't been regularly (twice a week) for the last 2 (full) weeks. This can serve as an earlier warning than members already at high risk of leaving.


We've added a new feature to allow you to email members directly from the report, with the button highlighted in the screenshot below.


We've also created a video, with Wayne, our CEO and founder talking you through these changes and why we have made them.


This new email button lets you create the important channels of communication you need to keep members engaged with your club, engaged members are happy members, happy members are loyal members, loyal members are easiest to retain.


In summary these challenging times in which we all find ourselves, means we need to work to retain our members more than than ever. This includes reassuring them so that they feel safe during this turbulent period, so that when things start to get back to normal, they will still be a loyal member to your club, instead of membershipless and on the market for their next club.