Membership Breakdown

Membership Details Tab Breakdown

A quick article on each field you will find within the details tab.


Core features 

Max number of members 

The maximum number of members that you want to be able to take this plan as a joined-up group (note this is NOT the maximum number of plans you want to sell)

e.g. If you set-up maximum members = 2 this will allow 1 lead member and 1 joint.

e.g. If you setup maximum members = 3 this would allow 1 lead member and 2 joint members.

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Cannot be purchased more than once

This applies to the same member. If set to yes, any member can only purchase one membership at a time online. (note - you could sell additional memberships on-site to the same member) 


Club access

Select if the plan gives general access to the club. If unchecked it will not allow club entry unless attending an activity. 



Will show the plan at the top of the member's area. This will also change the display size to make it larger. 



You can select what order the membership plans will appear online. Enter "2" for position 2 for example.


Contract length

Enter the initial minimum contract length of time. For example, if you sell a 6-month minimum period membership, then set the length to 6 and the unit to months.


Cancel at the end of contract

Only tick if you want the plan to cancel at the end of the minimum contract.

If this option is left unticked it will convert to a rolling membership at the end of the minimum contract length.


Nominal code

This is for use with the Xero accounting package, and it allows you to group membership sales together. 

This can then be pushed into xero. Click to find out more.


Earliest start date

If you want the plan to start in the future (for example during a pre-sale) you can enter the future start date.

If you want the plan to start right away upon sign-up, leave as 01/01/0001. 


Plan Type 

New members & Renewals allow new members and those already with a plan to sign up.  

Renewals only means the plan can only be added by those currently with another plan, this will then start when the current plan ends.


Member status after cancellation

Once the membership has finished (cancellation) you can then decide how members who have completed appear on the member's grid. You can either show them as "customer" or as "cancelled". 


Payment options 

Note - you can select multiple payment methods for any membership plan you wish to sell.


Have the member pay by cash each month.

Standing Order 

Select if the payment is being collected by a method (other than cash) that is not integrated  with Clubright. Note Clubright will always show as paid until you manually change this per member. 

Direct Debit 

Collect a re-occurring monthly payment by direct debit. 


Collect a re-occurring monthly payment by card. 


Vat rate 

Have your VAT rate included in the membership plan price. 



Complete features 

Requires a promotional code 

Customers would need to enter a promotional code in order to purchase this membership plan. 

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