
How to Apply a Discount on the Till

How to discount a product through the till.

Within this article it will show you how to take discounts on products through the till.

Taking a discount as a £ 

Firstly within the till you will select the product/products you want to discount 


Now you are going to click the X button on the till , this will remove the price however it is stored in the background 


Here you will type in the amount you want to discount


If you are discounting by £ then you will click the £ button this will mean that the you have just taken away the amount you have wrote in against the original price :) For example if the original price was £10 and you wrote in £2 it will now come out as £8 


Now you will see the discounted price

Now you can complete the sale by selecting the payment method  :)

Taking a discount as A %


Firstly within the till you will select the product/products you want to discount 


Now you are going to click the X button on the till , this will remove the price however it is stored in the background 


Here you will type in the amount you want to discount


Now click the % button on the till, this will work out how much you wrote in against the original price as a %. For example if you have a prodcut which cost £10 and wrote in 50 it will work out to be £5 

Now you can complete the payment :)