Bulk Changes

How to bulk extend your membership plans.

Within this article we are going to go over extending the length of a membership plan with a set end date.

Complete feature Clifford

Any changes made are irreversible  

Firstly you will go to the settings cog in the top right of ClubRight, then scroll down to the 'bulk actions' tab.

Within here you will click and click the create new actions button.

Select the membership plan which you would like to change, then you can also enter in the date you would like to change from.

For example if you select the 1st of January 2021 this means anyone after this time will have a price change, however anyone before then will not.


Now we will select the changes you would like to make.

Add days to contact end date - For those with a set end date you can extend how long the plans are active on the customers accounts for.


Click the check and schedule button in the top right


Within here you are able to see who will have the change made and you will check to ensure they are correct.

If all the customer in the list are correct you can confirm and schedule the changes.

If the customers showing up are not all correct please cancel and return to see the settings.