Online Classes

How to create On-demand activities

How to create On-demand activities This will also show you how you are able to add in a video to the On- demand activity.

Firstly you will go to the settings cog within the top right then down to activities.

Now you will click 'add new activity'. once you have clicked on this you will enter the name of the activity for example yoga and change from live to on demand.

Now you can enter in the description of the class aswell as add a picture etc which will appear on the member app.

Now you will click 'on demand content'. and add a new page here you will enter the name such as yoga video 1.

Click on the name of the page you have just created, this will take you to the members area. now click on the name of the page again. Then click edit.

Now in here you can add in the OnDemand content this includes videos, recipes etc.

To add a video you will click on the video icon and enter in the url to the video. then click insert video. Now when a member clicks this page it will show the video.

Videos need to be hosted on a video hosting platform such as vimeo or youtube. you are not able to upload a video from the computer.

If you would like to change the size of your video you will click the code view button.

Then you will change the height and width of the video.

How to give access to On Demand Content