Member Management FAQ
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How to freeze and unfreeze a membership

Freezing a members membership plan.



This feature is available for GoCardless and stripe customers only. If your Direct Debit provider is one of our other Integrated Partners you will need to contact them directly.

Please also be aware that if you set the membership to freeze LESS than 4 working days from when the membership payment is due to be made, the payment will still be taken because GoCardless operates on a 4-working-day notice when requesting payments.

For example, if a member wishes to freeze their membership payment from the 1st of August but their membership fee is due to be taken on the 3rd of August, that payment will still be taken because not enough notice has been given. 


How to set up a Freeze

Firstly, find the member that wants to freeze and go to their profile.

Click the membership tab.

Select edit on the Membership Plan you want to Freeze.

Go To Options.

Here you'll see the freeze option. Click Freeze Membership.


Enter the period of time for which you would like to freeze the membership.

If this is a rolling freeze you do not need to enter a reinstate date. 
Once entered in, you can go ahead and click Freeze Now


Now that the Freeze has been applied, it will be clear in that member's plan that the Membership Plan status has been Frozen.


It will now be easy to see within Payments which payments are frozen - both when the freeze began and when the payments will recommence.


If the member is frozen they will not gain access to the club unless they have another plan active. 


Your Member Communications

The customer will receive 2 in regards to the freeze.

One will be from gocardless explaining the subscription is cancelled as this stops the payment. 

If you setup the freeze to reinstate after a specific date they will get this also

The Member now also gets a dedicated email from your club to clearly state that their membership has been Frozen, and the changes have been applied to their membership payments. 

Frozen memberships will still expire as the contract runs down, however, payments will not be requested.

No extra time will be added on top of a freeze, this will need to be managed manually. 



How to unfreeze a membership plan

Firstly you will go to the members profile.

Then to the membership plan tab.

Now click 'edit' on the frozen membership plan then to options.

And 'reinstate'

Then you can setup the payment method again.

Important notes

When unfreezing a plan it will keep the same payment date as before, so if they payed monthly on the 15th and you unfreeze on the 1st. The next payment will still be on the 15th. There is no pro-rata after unfreezing. 

You will need to ensure the unfreeze is 5 working days before the payment is due to it can be automatically collected if you are using a direct debit.