Club Info

How to setup and use custom fields!

How to setup custom fields when customers sign up online.

Creating a custom field

Firstly we will go to the settings cog in the top right and then to club info, then click on the members area tab, within here you are able to setup custom fields.


To the left of the custom field setup you will find a tickbox to make the field mandatory on registration, to the right of the field you will find a dropdown box, allowing you to change the type of data stored in the field.

To fill in the custom field on a customer account

Go to the customer's profile via the members grid, then click on the profile tab, within here you are able to enter in the contents to the field which you created.


Once you have enter in the contents to the customer field you can then search the contents in the members grid and this will bring up the customer.

How it looks to a new user


As you can see above, the fields are mandatory, and if not entered the process will not allow the member to continue. Custom fields will appear alongside the standard fields we ask members to complete.