Diary and Bookings FAQ
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Club/Class/App Access Troubleshooting

Understanding why members are not able to access the club, bookings, or connect to the app.

Members unable to book into an activity

If a membership plan is used to provide access..

Please check the member's profile, if they are overdue they will be unable to book in.

Please also ensure that the membership plan allows access to the activity. (member's profile, memberships, click edit next to their membership plan, go to details, click the linked "Membership Plan" text, go to the activity access tab)

You can also check that the credits are purchased and valid from the member's profile. (members profile, purchases tab, credits)


If customers cannot access the club

Please check that the customer has an active membership plan, please also confirm that the membership plan they are on provides club access.

(member's profile, memberships, click edit next to their membership plan, go to details, click the linked "Membership Plan" text, go to the Details tab, tick the checkbox "Club Access")


If customers cannot access your mobile app

Go to the member's profile to see if they have a verified online account.

(members profile, right hand side, check it's all green)

If they are not showing as verified they will go to the register page and create an online account (settings cog, club info, app tab, register link). As long as they use the exact same email address as what's on the existing account, ClubRight will tie the 2 accounts together.

If the customer has verified/awaiting email confirmation they can use the "forgot password" button on your unique login page to set this up.



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