Within this article we are looking into all the features which Complete offers you.
Below are the features unique to the Complete solution.
If you click on the headings this will take you to the article specific to this feature in a new window.
Allows you to track and communicate with those when signing up till becoming a member.
In which you can reward members who refer others, as well as reward the person who is referred. Such as by membership discounts, or adding ePoints.
Automatic messages to new prospects, new members, new bookings made, visits, overdue members, birthday messages and more.
This includes the trainer app, business app, and member app.
Including bulk price change, bulk freeze, bulk cancel, bulk extend the contract.
When a member enters the correct Promo Code in their members area, it will unlock the promotional membership and they will be able to purchase it.
Add tiles to the app -
Unlimited additional tiles on the member app.
In which the message shows up on the members app.
automatically send members an email if they do not have the members app.
Allowing customers to add points to their accounts and use this to purchase products.
Use your ClubRight reports as your PayRoll tracker, measurable either by activities booked for, or by hours checked-in to the gym.
Google analytics -
Linkup google analytics with clubright.
Allow members from another site to access one another.
Allow your members to access all different types of pre-entered content online. From recorded classes, to meal plans and more.
Edit, add, and remove what features show up on your dashboard.
Edit current automatic email templates sent out by clubright, for example booking emails, membership email, and more.